Demo & Tutorials

SW upgrade procedure


The firmware upgrade can be performed very easily using the MSD mass storage device bootloader technology that allow you to “copy paste” the new binary executable file in the smartPID controller connected via USB and mapped as a USB memory drive.

To upgrade FW you DON’T need any driver or SW installation,  just simply follow below steps

FW upgrade does not cause the lost of configuration data but in any case write down your relevant parameters (PID Kx tuning parameters, process parameters etc..)

Programming an application via the bootloader

  1. download the last FW version, unzip the file and extract the executable .bin file
  2. connect the front USB socket to a USB data cable (make sure is a data cable and not only a recharge cable)
  3. connect the USB cable to a PC (windows/lunux/mac) while **keeping the S/S button pressed**
  4. SmartPID will appear as a mass storage device and the OLED display will alternate between a black and a white screen
  5.  remove the FLASH.BIN file present in the mass storage device
  6. copy the your executable .bin file of your application to the mass storage device
  7.  safely remove the USB mass storage device from the PC
  8.  power the controller normally the and reboot
  9.  SW version is reported in the INFO menu inside the top menu

here a short video of the the upgrade procedure




WiFi configuration and MQTT server connection

In order to connect smartPID controller (any application) to the WiFi and than to the private MQTT server few provisioning and configuration operations are needed

The logical step to follow are

  1. SmartPID account creation (sign-up via app)
  2. WiFi configuration and provisioning
  3. SmartPID pairing with the app using serial number

in all steps you need some credentials and paramters

* WiFi home network parameters : SSID and password
* SamrtPID account : username (mail account) and password from the sign-in process
* SmartPID serial number: 14 char unique string [visible on boot screen or in INFO menu]

The procedure is described in this step by step procedure and video tutorials for each applications.